The author hereby states that all perceived similarities between characters and people living or dead are either purely coincidental or a skewered nerve in your guilty conscience.

--Ilustrado, Miguel Syjuco

Guinea Pigs + Oreo

Let me introduce to you my adorable little guinea pigs.

Hermione and Ron
Hermione and Ron were named after the cutest couple in the literary world, Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley. It was quite a big surprise when our dad brought them home one day, but we're really thankful for that.

Hermione is a bit persuasive, although shy around strangers. She sees everything as a challenge, even a box sitting innocently in the corner. She would push and gnaw on the box until perfection. She also quickly adapts to changes in the environment. For example, if I take away one of her toys and replace it with a tube, she wouldn't mind and start playing with the tube right away.

Ron is quite vocal about his wants and needs. If he likes something, he would start purring and wheeking loudly. If not, he would stay as far away from said thing and stay there until it gets removed. However, he is also very loving and was a great companion to Hermione when they were together. (Due to lack of a veterinarian in our area who can neuter, we were forced to separate them.:( )

Charlotte in her hidey house
By the time Charlotte arrived, I was obsessed with the French language and thus her name. She is currently pregnant and we've taken much care of her, since we know that she may be in pain.

Charlotte isn't very active, probably due to her being pregnant. However, she is very loving and caring to her cagemate Hermione. She is not picky at all and is happy with everything given to her. We haven't had her for very long, but we know that she'll be an amazing mother to her children.

Edit: Charlotte has given birth to four cute little piggies on October 25, 2012. Sadly, I was not there when she gave birth but my sister was and she reported that nothing wrong happened. 

Edit: Rose died a few weeks after she was born, but we will all remember her. Also, Luna and Ron were adopted by two separate nice people.

Charlotte's kids (cause they've grown so much it's improper to call them babies now)

From left to right,  Luna, Moo-moo, Albus and Rose
We don't have proper individual pictures of them yet. Sorry bout that. We arranged them theoretically according to their ages: Albus, Moo-moo, Luna, Rose.

Luna is the 3rd of Charlotte's children and she is more passive than Albus and Moo-moo. She was adopted when I couldn't keep up with all of their needs, but rest assured, I know who her owners are and I visit her from time to time. She seemed closer to Rose when she was still living than Moo-moo, but it was obvious that Albus and Rose were the closest. Luna is also named after a Harry Potter character, Luna Lovegood.

Albus is the only boy in Charlotte's kids and we made sure to separate him from his mother and sisters as soon as he stopped feeding on milk. We once tried to keep Ron and him in the same cage, but after a week of observing, it was obvious that they didn't get along well, so we decided to let them live by themselves. Albus still lives with us until now and his cage is right next to Charlotte, Hermione and Moo-moo's. Albus was the closest to Rose when she was still alive. Albus is named after Albus Potter (not Albus Dumbledore). Albus is the first of Charlotte's children.

Moo-moo is the second child. At first, we thought she was a boy, but it turned out she was a girl. My sister took the liberty of naming her, because she "looked like a cow." (She's 10; don't ask) Also, she has the most unique color of the four, having black skin which none of her sisters, brother and mother have. She also has a brown spot on his lower left back, which is bizarre since the rest of her body is black and white. She also still lives with us and is roomies with Charlotte and Hermione. She has grown attached to Hermione since she was born and they seem to be the best of friends, despite the age difference.

Rose is the fourth child of Charlotte. She was the smallest when she was born, but quickly grew up to the size of her siblings. She was very close to Albus while she was still with us and although she seemed a bit weak, that didn't get in her way and she acted lively and ran around with her siblings. She was also closest to her mother, Charlotte and frequently shared her food with her. Rose passed away a few months after she was born, but we will always remember her. She was named after Rose Weasley.

Oreo, though not really a guinea pig, is another addition to our big family. She was like a baby when she arrived, scared and fidgety, but as she got used to the place and us, she began running around and even attempting to climb the stairs. She can never get past the tenth step, but she makes great efforts. She is quite disciplined, especially for a four month old, and pees/poops only outside when possible.

Here are a few more pictures:
Ron preparing for lap time
Hermione rummaging for food
Charlotte getting comfortable in her tube
The babies following their mommy. Awww!
Hermione and Moo-moo having breakfast

Charlotte, and Hermione eating a vegetable while Albus attempts to get some

Luna, the day she was adopted

Luna in my sister's hands with her new owners in the background

Recent photo of Moo-moo and Charlotte

Their previous playground in our terrace (Now they can have the whole terrace!)

Charlotte, Hermione and Moo-moo begging for food, despite the obvious presence of vegetables behind them. :P