The author hereby states that all perceived similarities between characters and people living or dead are either purely coincidental or a skewered nerve in your guilty conscience.

--Ilustrado, Miguel Syjuco

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

First Point of View

I walk into the building, not bothering to look at the other guests. I know that they will have their fake smiles and their well-practiced, phony expressions on their faces. I haven’t been living under a cave for the last sixteen years of my life and I know quite well the extent people stretch to get what they want.

Money. Power. Money.

I don’t get why people strive to get both at the same time, for you get the other automatically when you get one. When you have money, you get power. When you have power, you get money.

Still, I walk within the crowd. I have no intention of leaving, despite knowing the fact that any of these frauds could destroy my well-maintained reputation in one petty little second. Yes they could, but they wouldn’t.

And so, I continue walking, engulfed by the masses of people inside the building. Blending in, I decide to eavesdrop, for it is always good to know something only a select number of people know.

I lean against the wall, listening as a group of apparently high class dukes and duchesses mutter discreetly to each other. Unbeknownst to them, I could hear them loud and clear.

“Unacceptable!” One of them says, articulating each syllable with obvious bitterness.

“Histrey!” Another scolds him, “He’s still a relative.” Apparently ‘Histrey’ is a name.

A man speaks up, “The disown him, I say! Nothing’s worse than an ungrateful—“

“Fram, he’s your son!” I can sense the obvious disgust on Histrey’s voice as he cut Fram off.

“Not anymore, he’s not!”

I get tired of the heated conversation and walk again. I decide to walk very slowly, in case I hear an interesting exchange of words amidst the whispers and murmurs around the room. I didn’t find anything I was interested in, but I overheard some rumors about a witch in the village. Obviously, it isn’t real and was just made up by some middle-class civilian, yearning for some attention from the higher classes, but she was quite a good storyteller.

I smile. This would make for a very good article.

I walk out of the building, not bothering to look back. I know that I have succeeded in accomplishing my mission and I feel pretty contented. I have been living among these people for almost two decades and it still amazes me how they are very legitimate rumor-starters.
First Point of View.

This is part of an exercise wherein I am supposed to write a single piece in numerous points of view. 

Second Point of View

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