The author hereby states that all perceived similarities between characters and people living or dead are either purely coincidental or a skewered nerve in your guilty conscience.

--Ilustrado, Miguel Syjuco

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Les Miserables Cast

The Cast of Les Miserables

I loved Anne Hathaway's Fantine so much. I could feel the feelings from her--the anger, the grief, everything. Fantine is a mother and thinks of nothing else but her child. Every moment, she spends on either working or thinking about her. She sells several body parts for her child without a moment's hesitation. Fantine is such a strong character and Hathaway did so well on her. Her voice as well as her emotions were very well Fantine and I loved her to bits.

Hugh Jackman portrayed Jean Valjean magnificently. From Prisoner 24601 to the grand mayor, Hugh Jackman did a tremendous job. Jean Valjean is the man who sings of new beginnings and yearns for second chances and Hugh Jackman did a great job depicting these. Although I didn't quite like his sometimes nasal vibratos, he did a job well done on the acting.

Javert was one of my favorite characters and Russel Crowe did quite a fine job with him. Javert is the determined kind of guy and he lets nothing go in his way. At first, he is merciless and apathetic, but changes in the end and gives his life up.Russel Crowe projected Javert's emotions so well and his voice is deep and full.

I absolutely adored little Cosette. From the moment I saw her petite body and disheveled hair, I knew that I would love her until the very end. Isabelle Allen was very much apropos for Cosette, though I may be quite biased since I've always loved children. Nonetheless, she portrayed little Cosette--abandoned and mistreated--very well. Her voice is also so full and unlike most child voices and her face is so pure and naive that it adds character to the so little Cosette.

Oh gosh! I loved loved loved Thenardier and Mrs. Thenardier. From their thief-like antics and most convincing acting and singing, I say Helena Bonham Carter and Sacha Baron Cohen did a magnificent job. As the comedy relief in the movie, I say that they are as funny as it gets during a sad period. I guess I've always loved Carter ever since I saw her as Bellatrix, but I didn't know she could sing and, beside Cohen, they did a great job.

I didn't quite like Amanda Seyfried's voice, but her acting and her emotions made up for it. As an elegant lady in a dangerous life, Cosette should take no risks but ended up taking the biggest one of all--falling in love. Seyfried's acting was quite well as the girl who would want nothing more to love and be loved, but her falsetto isn't that impressive. Still, she sent the message across and that's what really matters.

Eponine is such a sad character, being the girl who wasn't meant to be with the guy. She's the girl who stays in the shadows while the one he loves falls in love with another. Samantha Barks was perfect for her role. From the start, it was quite obvious that she isn't the one for him, but she still hopes and hope leads her to her death. Barks' tears were so pure and sad that it almost brings tears to my eyes.

Gavroche is such a tragic child, so young, yet exposed to such terrible things. Daniel Huttlestone portrayed young Gavroche very well.

Marius, at first, is like a giddy teenage girl in love, but as the story progresses, I've begun to love his character and relate to the sadness he feels. Although I absolutely detest love at first sight, I forgave it for his character. After all, he had never experienced love before. Eddie Reymayne was wonderful as Marius with his sophisticated look and his rebellious nature.

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